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Can egg white treat acne?

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  • Time of issue:2021-07-29
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(Summary description)The difference between black head and white head is the key to inflammation

Can egg white treat acne?

(Summary description)The difference between black head and white head is the key to inflammation

  • Categories:FAQ
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  • Time of issue:2021-07-29
  • Views:0

The difference between black head and white head is the key to inflammation
In addition, according to the different appearance and color, inflammation or not, acne can be divided into two types: closed acne and open acne. The white acne commonly seen by most people, also known as closed acne, refers to the acne without melanin precipitation because its pores are blocked by the thickened cutin, and the facial blisters are inflamed in the cutin. The appearance is mainly white or the skin color is slightly raised, which is not obvious. It is usually easier to see if the skin is flat. But also because white head acne has no obvious opening on the skin surface, ordinary people cannot squeeze its contents out with force, so it is also called closed acne,
Open acne refers to acne with obvious appearance. Because the opening of hair follicle of this type of acne is filled with some black or brown keratinized substances to block the pores, and mixed with dust and dirt, it will form head acne with black spots. Blackhead acne often occurs on the forehead, nose and chin.
However, compared with whitehead acne, blackhead acne is not inflamed, but it is not as easy to clean as whitehead acne. Extrusion is not recommended, because blackhead acne contains layers of compressed cutin and sebum. If it is squeezed by hand, it will have a pressure effect in the long run, and in serious cases, it will cause the sebaceous glands to shrink, making the pores larger.
Fruit acid, A acid and salicylic acid can change skin and tighten pores
Doctor Zhao Zhaoming said that in the treatment of acne and pimples in dermatology clinics, most people would recommend the local use of A acid, fruit acid or salicylic acid and other ingredients to help the normal metabolism of hair follicle cutin, remove old cutin, promote the stability of keratinocyte stroma, and achieve the effect of reducing the formation of acne.
However, it should be noted that there is still a difference in the concentration of various acid beauty care products. Doctor Zhao Zhaoming reminded people that before purchasing products with relevant ingredients, they should still ask the dermatologist to confirm whether their skin texture is suitable or which type of acid product is suitable, because qualified products may still cause allergies due to misuse or inapplicability. However, because most acid products are sensitive to light and cause skin to turn black, it is suggested that people should use acid beauty products at night to remove acne.
Regularly exfoliate and clean skin
In addition to seeking the assistance of professional doctors, the daily maintenance and cleaning of the public are also very important. It is suggested that the public should also do a good job in cleaning their skin. In addition to washing their faces, exfoliation is also very important. Since the skin of the human body will automatically metabolize every 28 days, it is most suitable for oily and mixed skin to have a comprehensive exfoliation once a month, while face cream products with mild exfoliation can be used once a week to two weeks. However, friends with dry and sensitive skin should be careful when choosing exfoliating products. It is best to try them on the tiger's mouth and other parts before purchasing. If there are no symptoms such as redness, swelling and itching, you can decide whether to continue using them.


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