
Guangdong Hengtai Yang Technology Co., LTD.


Moxibustion Therapy Prescription for Regulating Yin and Supplementing Yang to Prevent Diseases

  • Categories:FAQ
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  • Time of issue:2021-07-29
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(Summary description)Moxibustion can not only replenish yang, but also regulate yin, unblock meridians, warm and dissipate cold and dampness. Especially for the middle-aged and old people with insufficient vital energy and low immune function, it can warm and replenish vital energy and improve the immune function of the body. Now let's learn more about the symptomatic treatment of moxibustion for tonifying yang and regulating yin.

Moxibustion Therapy Prescription for Regulating Yin and Supplementing Yang to Prevent Diseases

(Summary description)Moxibustion can not only replenish yang, but also regulate yin, unblock meridians, warm and dissipate cold and dampness. Especially for the middle-aged and old people with insufficient vital energy and low immune function, it can warm and replenish vital energy and improve the immune function of the body. Now let's learn more about the symptomatic treatment of moxibustion for tonifying yang and regulating yin.

  • Categories:FAQ
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-07-29
  • Views:0

Moxibustion can not only replenish yang, but also regulate yin, unblock meridians, warm and dissipate cold and dampness. Especially for the middle-aged and old people with insufficient vital energy and low immune function, it can warm and replenish vital energy and improve the immune function of the body. Now let's learn more about the symptomatic treatment of moxibustion for tonifying yang and regulating yin.
1、 Moxibustion with moxa cone: It can be divided into direct moxibustion and indirect moxibustion.
1. Direct moxibustion is to place a moxa cone of appropriate size directly on the skin for moxibustion. If the skin needs to be burned into pus during moxibustion, the person who leaves scar after healing is called scar moxibustion. Clinically, it is often used to treat asthma, tuberculosis, scrofula and other chronic diseases, while scarless moxibustion is used for general asthenic cold diseases.
2. Indirect moxibustion is to put ginger, garlic and other drugs under the moxa cone to make it play a synergistic role. Among them, ginger separated moxibustion is mainly applicable to stomach cold vomiting, internal cold abdominal pain, asthenic cold diarrhea, wind cold damp arthralgia, and can prevent cerebral thrombosis and stroke; Garlic separated moxibustion has the power of restoring yang, saving the adverse, and strengthening the body. It can treat asthenic cold diseases such as vomiting, diarrhea and apoplexy. In addition, moxibustion with aconite cake is often used for impotence, premature ejaculation, or ulcers caused by the decline of life gate fire.
2、 Moxibustion with moxa sticks can be used for diseases that should be treated with moxibustion generally.
Avoid adverse reactions
1. When applying moxibustion, pay attention to safety to prevent moxa wool from falling off and burning skin or clothing.
2. People with excess syndrome, heat syndrome, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, and yin deficiency and fever generally do not use moxibustion. As pointed out in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases, "Be careful not to use moxibustion for a few pulse." "Although the fire is small, the internal attack is powerful, scorching bones and tendons, and blood is difficult to recover." It shows that improper use of moxibustion can also have adverse consequences.
3. Scar moxibustion is not suitable for facial features and parts with large blood vessels.
4. The abdomen and lumbosacral region of pregnant women should not be moxibustion.
After moxibustion, if the local skin appears reddish and hot, it is a normal phenomenon and does not need to be treated. If excessive moxibustion is applied for a long time and small blisters appear locally, they can be naturally absorbed as long as they are not scratched. The blisters are large. The sterilized filiform needle can be used to puncture the blisters to release water, and then the purple liquid can be coated and wrapped with gauze to prevent infection. In case of infection, seek a doctor for treatment in time.

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